Tuesday, September 28, 2010

La Sella

Pues, hice de kayak el sabado pasado en la Sella, un río en Asturias. Hacía frio y había muchas nubes. También llovía. Pero, todavía me disfruté el viaje por las montañas de Asturias. Robé algunas fotos de Hillary.
So I went kayaking on the Sella this past Saturday, a river in Asturias (the autonomous community to the west of Cantabria). It was cold and cloudy. It also rained. But I still enjoyed the trip through the mountains of Asturias. I stole some pictures from Hillary.

Upcoming planned trips, hopefully we actually follow through on these:
Oct 8 - 12 Madrid, Toledo, Segovia
Oct 16 - 17 Oviedo and Leon
Oct 23 - 24 Burgos

That's a pretty packed October, hopefully I have time for classes...

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