Friday, August 6, 2010

august 5. 2010.

Like always, I will update you all with a countdown: 3 weeks until I am in London, 16 days until I leave Ithaca, NY.

Now with that over, I have no real news.

I did find a bat flying around my apartment yesterday morning! It freaked me out, but once I gathered my nerves I trapped it in another room with the window open. I called my dad to see what I should do, and he told me it should probably just leave on its own. Thanks for the help, Dad! Just hope it takes care of itself, great life lesson. One of my friends told me to let it bite me so that I might become a vampire and a werewolf. Yes, for those of you who don't know, the night of my bar mitzvah was also a full moon in which I turned into a werewolf. I don't feel like I can handle the responsibility of being as hot as Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner so I will remain just a werewolf.

Other than that, everything is winding down. I'm hanging out with friends, finishing up the last few weeks of work, and losing miserably in intramural softball, you know, the usual.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

august 1. 2010.

So it's officially August, and I leave Cornell in 3 weeks! I'll be in Spain in less than a month, starting my language classes. But until then, I am still in Ithaca, and Ithaca has been good.

Ben and Eve visited again. We made banana pancakes and went to a park and blueberry picking. I would say it was pretty romantic. Well, maybe not the blueberry picking, because we drove about half an hour to Dryden and ended up at a little house with a garden in front saying fresh blueberries. We were like, WTF? Do we just pick in this tiny garden? We are the only ones here and will get raped. But it turns out the owner was an awesome old lady and the fields for picking were out in the back. We didn't get raped, and picked a ton of blueberries.

Also, I talked to Josh, who I will be in Spain with for the next year. He, Caitlyn and Hillary are already in Spain for the first language class, lucky bastards. I'm ready to be done with my internship and head to Europe. But anyways, it seems like apart from a few problems, things are going well for them. I will see them soon!

So yea, the countdown has really started now. Next week I will be camping around Ithaca with Ben and Eve, then the following I should be in Montreal, pending a car ride, and then it's my last week in Ithaca. It's going quick now!