Thursday, August 12, 2010

august 12. 2010.

I think tomorrow is my last day of my internship. I am not sure. I know that it is supposed to last until the 20th, but both of the other interns will have stopped by tomorrow. I'll find out I guess, but the suspense is kind of killing me. One good thing, though, is that there is a pizza party for the interns tomorrow because it's the Parks Intern and the Planning Intern's last day, too. I'm guessing this means I'm done.

Besides my internship winding down, I got together with Jamie and Kim and we booked a tour of Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor Castle. My goal is to get into a bath at one of these places, preferably Bath (but I would accept a bath in Windsor some type of achievement by itself). We also looked up the best night clubs in London. There are some pretty gigantic places or interesting places which struck me:

1. Fabric - 25,000 sq ft (over half an acre) with 5 sound systems and 3 bars
2. Club Aquarium - 5 rooms including a pool and jacuzzi
3. Pacha - a stained glass ceiling with a balcony
4. Egg - Outdoor balconies with fake grass and, again, a swimming pool

So those are just a few that I found and thought would be fun. I'm guessing I will only go to one, so maybe vote or suggest another?

Besides my London plans, there really hasn't been too much to talk about. I'm not making it to Montreal after all, which is probably for the best because the French are awful. The French Canadians are probably worse.

I'm not sure there really is anything else to write about.

Oh wait, I promised Jamie I would link to her blog, so take this suggestion, and follow her blog on Cornell's website: Copenhagen Without a Helmet (it might be With a helmet but her title is in Danish, which I haven't mastered yet) and find the link somewhere on this page, or below her profile picture on Facebook!

Two weeks and I am in London! Cheers!

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