Las chicas de Cornell y yo participamos en el Concurso de Tortillas la semana pasada. Si no sabes, una tortilla española es una combinación de huevos, patatas y cebolla, como un omelet. Pues, entramos el concurso entre estudiantes de Erasmus con nuestra tortilla con bacón, queso y pimientos verdes añadidos. Caitlyn y Hillary se llama "The Texaconsin" por los ingredientes extras.
Aunque era un poquito quemado, después de votar y todo, al fin y al cabo ganamos el segundo premio! No es malo para un grupo de guiris.
The Cornell girls and I participated in a Tortilla Competition last week at a friends house. If you don't know, a Spanish tortilla is a combination of eggs, potatoes, and onion, like an omelet (it is sadly not like a Mexican tortilla). Well, we entered the competition between Erasmus students with our tortilla which we added bacon, cheese and green peppers to. Caitlyn and Hillary call it "The Texaconsin" due to the extra ingredients.
Even though it was a little burned on one side, after voting and everything, we ended up taking second place! Not too shabby for a group of foreigners. Sadly we will miss the next competition, the Pastry Competition. We know we would kill with our good ole American Apple Pie, but sadly (not too sadly) we will be visiting the south of Spain and the north of Italy, meaning we will also be missing the Super Bowl! Dang.
Our itinerary:
Leave Feb 1 (day after we finish exams)
Sierra Nevada
Feb 6 fly from Seville to Venice
Day trips from Venice
Feb 14 fly back to Santander, sadly missing the first days of classes of second semester